Tag Archives: soft

Sunscreen IS important !

16 Jun

If  you love makeup, if you love the look and feel of beautiful, healthy skin than this might be a bit repetitive for you to read about.

However if you’re thinking “Oh, I’m young”, “I love to tan” and “I don’t need sunscreen”..or maybe even “I wear SPF 15 all the time!” You are sorely mistaken if you think you shouldn’t be wearing sunscreen daily. Prevention is key ! Know this and live by this and you will reap the benefits ! An SPF of 15 won’t cut it either if you plan to be out and about in the sun this summer.

When looking for a moisturizer, aim for formulas with an SPF 30 or higher that are oil free. This will give you the most lasting power and will protect your skin from the harsh rays of the sun. This will also still allow you to absorb the essential vitamin D and get some healthy color naturally.

Also try incorporating more tomatoes into your diet. Ever think about the skin of a tomato?? Tomatoes thrive and grow on vines in the beating sun and keep their firm,smooth skin in tact until they’re ready to be eaten.This is because tomatoes contain lycopene, one of the most powerful natural antioxidants. In some studies, lycopene, especially in cooked tomatoes, has been found to help prevent prostate cancer .Lycopene has also been shown to improve the skin’s ability to protect against harmful UV rays. Lycopene is great for maintaining skin elasticity and firmness. It also helps our skin to generate and feel soft and resilient. Plus they taste great in a salad! Try it out !