Tag Archives: peter pan collar

Ball Out

8 Jul

On Friday.July.6th, the company I work for celebrated the end of their financial year. The annual “Flight Centre Ball” took place at the Carlu downtown at Yonge and College which is a beautiful event “hall” if you will which has housed some phenomenal events along with breathtaking weddings and even fashion shows and events held here in Toronto. My team headed down in style, and had an amazing time. Flight Centre’s employees work extremely hard all year (I can attest) and party just as hard. They spared no expense to show their employees appreciation with numerous  awards, a wonderful dinner and as much alcohol as nearly all 900 of us from across Eastern Canada could handle. An opportunity to get dolled up and have a photo op? Perhaps…. Enjoy

Dress –  Vero Moda (Picked up at M for Mendocino)

Heels – Zara Classic Collection

Bracelet – Forever 21

Clutch – Aldo (old)